Dediserv Dedicated Servers Sp.z o.o is a privately held company dedicated to helping businesses and individuals create a powerful online presence easily and economically. Dediserv works fully independently and requires no financial institution’s back up. The main goal is to provide excellent service for every client.

Dediserv specializes in providing dedicated servers and VPS – Virtual Private Servers. Its servers are located in Germany, Netherlands and in Poland.

Competitive prices along with the high quality of services provided have assured a fast growth of the company and its expansion worldwide. We provide servers to clients in over 80 countries including notably USA, where it has clients in over 25 states. We provide our servers to some of the most demanding and competitive markets, such as USA, Canada, UK, Scandinavian countries, Australia. We are also strong in Turkey, China, India, Ukraine and in our home market Poland.

We differ from many other dedicated server companies in that ca 80% of our clients are referred to us by our satisfied clients. This is due to our reputation of being a reliable and solid company providing our clients excellent servers with a high quality / price ratio.

Our company data are as follows:

Registered name and address:
Dediserv Dedicated Servers Sp. z o.o
00-379 Warszawa, Wybrzeże
Kościuszkowskie 31/33 lok. 906
Correspondence and office address:
00-379 Warszawa, Wybrzeże
Kościuszkowskie 31/33 lok. 906, Poland
Tel: 48 22 212 48 62
Fax 48 22 244 2472
Email: Click Here

KRS (court registration number): 000263205,
registered at the Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie,
XII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
Share Capital: PLN 50 000
EU VAT tax number: PL7010058737
Regon (statistical number): 140844399
Raiffeisen Bank Polska SA
00-549 Warszawa
Ul. Piękna 20
Konto bankowe / bank account:
PLN: 87 1750 0012 0000 0000 2672 7178
EUR: 81 1750 0012 0000 0000 2672 7189

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